Viewing abuse filter 142: Potentially problematic mobile edits

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Editing filter 142
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Filter parameters
Filter ID:142


(publicly viewable)
Filter group:
Statistics:Of the last 381,335 actions, this filter has matched 36 (0.01%). On average, its run time is 0.09 ms, and it consumes 1.2 conditions of the condition limit.
(condition usage)
user_mobile = "1" & !("autopatrol" in user_rights) & ((page_namespace = 6) | (page_namespace = 0)) & added_lines irlike "(haha|love|cool|is a|fuck|\bhi\b|propaganda|lol\b|porn|i'm|hello|help|:-D|sucks|\bshit\b|.*@.*\.[a-z]{2}|[1-9]{11}|😖|my name|fan of|\n\n\n\n)" & !("wbsetlabel-add:1|hi" in summary)
Filter last modified:01:46, 10 July 2023 by Mdaniels5757 (talk | contribs)
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