Category:Demonstrations and protests by students

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<nowiki>protesta estudiantil; 罷課; diáktüntetés; protesta estudiantil; Studentenprotest; студэнцкі рух; 罷課; studenterdemonstration; protest studențesc; 学生による反対運動; študentský protest; שביתת סטודנטים; 학생 시위; studenta protesto; studentský protest; Protesta studentesca; ছাত্রপ্রতিবাদ; grève étudiante; студэнцкі пратэст; Protesto estudantil; študentski protest; Dingongorego tsa baithuti; Opiskelijaprotesti; strajk studencki; studentopprør; studentenprotest; tələbə etirazı; 罷課; студентський протест; студенческий протест; student protest; إضراب طلابي; διαμαρτυρία φοιτητών; studentprotest; gamă largă de activități care indică nemulțumirea elevilor; 政治的・学術的な事柄等に対し、学生が中心となって起こす運動; événement au cours duquel des étudiants cessent d'aller en cours; storskaliga aktiviteter som visar studenters missnöje; studencka akcja protestacyjna; tələbələrin narazılığını göstərən geniş fəaliyyətlər; studentische Protestaktionen; 학생들의 불만을 나타내고 있는 넓은 범위의 활동들; wide range of activities that indicate student dissatisfaction; široká škála aktivít, ktoré naznačujú nespokojnosť študentov; široká škála činností, které naznačují nespokojenost studentů; studenterdrevet protestaktion; huelga estudiantil; protesta de estudiantes; ステューデント・プロテスト; 大学闘争; 大学紛争; 学園紛争; 学園闘争; diáklázadás; hallgatói demonstráció; студэнцкія пратэсты; студэнцкая дэманстрацыя; studentprotester; studentdemonstration; studentdemonstrationer; 학생 운동; 학생들의 시위; 학생운동; 학생시위; 동맹휴학; student demonstration; student protests; student demonstrations; διαδήλωση φοιτητών; 罢课; studenteroprør; studenterprotest</nowiki>
student protest 
wide range of activities that indicate student dissatisfaction
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Wikidata Q1679887
BabelNet ID: 03337337n
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This category has the following 30 subcategories, out of 30 total.


Media in category "Demonstrations and protests by students"

The following 96 files are in this category, out of 96 total.