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<nowiki>sonnellino; szundikálás; Uinak; nokoset; 昼寝; becaina; תנומה; Nickerchen; Chợp mắt; nap; چرت; 打盹; lur; dremež; Idlip; cochilo; Dutje; การงีบ; lur; lur; Mmiri ara; قیلولہ; meridap; ಲಘುನಿದ್ರೆ; 낮잠; nap; القيلولة; minispánek; вздремывание; kratek čas spanja v urah budnosti; 昼間における仮眠; ato de dormir brevemente em um horário no qual, normalmente, alguém ficaria acordado; tidur sebentar; dormida curta; short period of sleep during typical waking hours; Kurzschlaf; lyhyet päiväunet; short period of sleep; короткий период сна; ವಯೋ ಸಹಜ ಗುಣ; 점심 후 잠깐 자는 잠; pennichella; pennica; siesta; pisolino; 午睡; szundi; szundítás; szunyókálás; bóbiskolás; szendergés; szieszta; blund; blund; дрёма; becada; rebeca; popoldanski spanec; spanec; Mittagsschlaf; Giấc ngủ ngắn; Ngủ chợp mắt; napping; ridap; مريدڤ; ريدڤ; 小睡; soneca</nowiki>
short period of sleep during typical waking hours
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Subclass of
  • polyphasic sleep
  • light sleep
Part of
  • 1 ±1 h (often)
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Authority file
Wikidata Q5242962
Library of Congress authority ID: sh89001279
NL CR AUT ID: ph122895
J9U ID: 987007539352205171
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.


Media in category "Napping"

The following 49 files are in this category, out of 49 total.