Category:People of South Korea

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<nowiki>surcoreanos; dél-koreaiak; Surkoreanhën; Surkoreanhon; Koreańczycy z Południa; Südkoreaner; 남한인; South Koreans; sud-koreoj; Sudcoreani; Sud-Coréens; cittadini o residenti della Corea del Sud; citoyens ou résidents de Corée du Sud; ciudadanos o residentes de Corea del Sur; obywatele lub mieszkańcy Korei Południowej; אזרחים או תושבי דרום קוריאה; burgers of inwoners van Zuid-Korea; граждане или жители Южной Кореи; cidadãos ou residentes da Coreia do Sul; Bürger oder Einwohner Südkoreas; 남북한 국적을 가진 사람; citizens or residents of South Korea; مواطنين أو سكان كوريا الجنوبية; 韓國公民或居民; công dân hoặc cư dân của Hàn Quốc; South Korean people; Koreans; South Korea residents; south Koreans; Südkoreanerinnen; Surkoreano; Sorkoriyanhun; Sorkoriyano</nowiki>
South Koreans 
citizens or residents of South Korea
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This category has the following 38 subcategories, out of 38 total.

Media in category "People of South Korea"

The following 200 files are in this category, out of 234 total.

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