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{{Wrong license}}

{{Wrong license |1=<Reason (optional)>}}

  • Do not subst: this template. Apply it immediately above any licensing information or at the beginning of the page.
  • You should notify the uploader with {{subst:Wrong license note|File:Filename|reason}} ~~~~ (just copy and paste this prefilled from the file page after tagging it).

Delete file



If a file is an exact duplicate or scaled-down version of another one, place this on the file page to be deleted:


On page "image.jpg": {{duplicate |1=image2.jpg }}

- image.jpg will be deleted;

- image2.jpg will be the only image remaining.

There should be only one exact copy of a file. After replacing all instances with the preferred file, this file will be speedily deleted.

In fact, image2.jpg should have been uploaded as a new version of image.jpg, not as a new image.

The image to be deleted in added automatically by the template in the following category: Category:Duplicate.



  • ({{webarchive |url= }})

File information




  • Date = when the original image (painting, engraving, etc.) was created, and not the date of upload, nor the date of scanning or digitizing.
  • Author = should not be used to specify the name of the person who is the scanner, finder, or uploader of the image; these things do not make that person the author.
Date = {{other date|or|1961|1968}} ==> Date = 1961 or 1968
Date = {{circa|1910}} ==> Date = circa 1910
date QS:P,+1910-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902


Source = {{unknown|source}} ==> Source = Unknown source
Author = {{unknown|author}} ==> Author = Unknown author
Date = {{unknown|date}} ==> Date = Unknown date

Usage of my files on the different projects


Multilingual templates

{{country|gb|nolink=1}} (langue de l'interface) ==> United Kingdom
{{country|gb|lang=fr|nolink=1}} (en FR) ==> Royaume-Uni
{{date|1867|10|5}} (langue de l'interface) ==> 5 October 1867
{{date|1867|10|5|lang=fr}} (en FR) ==> 5 octobre 1867
{{circa|1865}} (langue de l'interface) ==> circa 1865
date QS:P,+1865-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
{{circa|1865|lang=fr}} (en FR) ==> vers 1865
date QS:P,+1865-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
  • {{Unknown}} (langue de l'interface ; pas de paramètre "lang" disponible)
{{unknown}} ==> Unknown
  • {{P-page}} (langue de l'interface ; pas de paramètre "lang" disponible)
{{p-page}} 24 ==> p. 24
  • {{After}} (langue de l'interface ; pas de paramètre "lang" disponible)
{{after|Jean-Paul Laurens}} ==> After Jean-Paul Laurens
{{Creator:Henry Scott|after}} ==> Scott = dessinateur = Y (Graveur X, after dessinateur Y)
  • {{Signed}} (langue de l'interface ; pas de paramètre "lang" disponible)
{{signed|bottom|left|signed=Baugnet Del|dated=1856}} ==> Signature and date bottom left:
Baugnet Del 1856
{{Size|unit=cm|height=25|width=40}} ==> height: 25 cm (9.8 in); width: 40 cm (15.7 in)
dimensions QS:P2048,25U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,40U174728
{{Technique|wood engraving}} (engraving, steel engraving, wood engraving = gravure sur bois de bout, woodcut = gravure sur bois de fil, lithography, chromolithograph, etc.) ==> wood engraving print



Commons:Copyright tags Commons:Derivative works Public domain: Expiration of copyright



A copyright protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. The duration of copyright protection depends on several factors:

- For works created by an individual, protection lasts for the life of the author, plus 70 years.
- For works created anonymously, pseudonymously, and for hire, protection lasts 95 years from the date of publication or 120 years from the date of creation, whichever is shorter.

Une œuvre étrangère doit se trouver dans le domaine public à la fois aux États-Unis et dans son pays d'origine pour être hébergée sur Commons.

Domaine public (Public Domain = PD)


Images anciennes : les droits d'auteur ont expirés

a.1) Auteur(s) connu(s) et mort(s) depuis au moins 70 ans (Belgique, France, UK, E.U. members, etc.) (en 2020 : mort avant 1950)

{{PD-old-70-expired}} -- Les dates de décès ne sont pas toutes connues
{{PD-old-auto-expired|deathyear=YYYY}} -- YYYY = Date de dècès la plus récente (REQUIRED)

Voir aussi : {{PD-art}} et {{PD-scan}}.

a.2) Auteur(s) anonyme(s) ou speudoanonyme(s) et publié/créé depuis au moins 95 ans (USA) (en 2020 : avant 1925) ou depuis 70 ans (France, UK, E.U. members, etc.) (en 2020 : publié/créé avant 1970)

{{PD-anon-expired|1=YYYY}} -- YYYY = Date de publication (OPTIONAL)

Images récentes : l'auteur a décidé de mettre l'œuvre dans le domaine public

{{PD-self}} or {{CC-zero}}

For any "official act of the authorities" in Belgium


Ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain (ex. : une ancienne lettre manuscrite)


Remarques : CC-PD-Mark est ajouté automatiquement par les modèles PD.

Certains droits réservés (Some rights reserved)


Exemple : Photos prises par moi, infographies réalisées par moi.

{{cc-by-sa-4.0}} {{cc-by-sa-4.0|John Doe}}

More about PD


For text and images:

  • published or unpublished? E.g.: photo was taken, but was it published (paper, digital)?
  • dates: first publication (in a given country), creation
  • authors: known or unknown?, anonymous, speudodymous, collective work, for hire

The claim that "pre-1925 works are in the public domain" is correct only for published works; unpublished works are under federal copyright for at least the life of the author plus 70 years.

List of countries' copyright_lengths

(1) copyright term based on authors' deaths
(2) copyright term based on publication and creation dates
  • Berne Convention signatories:
(1) Min. 50 years
(2) Min. 50 years from publication (anonymous or speudodymous works); min. 25 years from creation (photographic works)
  • E.U. members:
(1) 70 years
(2) 70 years from publication or if unpublished 70 years from creation (anonymous works)
  • Belgium:
(1) 70 years
  • France:
(1) 70 years
(2) 70 years from publication (pseudonymous, anonymous or collective works)
  • U.S.A.:
(1) 70 years (works published since 1978 or unpublished works)
(2) 95 years from publication (in 2020: 1925) or 120 years from creation (in 2020: 1900) whichever is shorter (anonymous works, pseudonymous works, or works made for hire, published since 1978)

Peintures et gravures anciennes

  • Peinture: {{PD-Art|PD-old-100-1923}} ==> {{PD-art-100-expired}}
  • Gravure: {{PD-old-auto-expired|deathyear=1917}}
  • Photo of a PD Art: Source: {{User:Dodeeric/credits3}} ==> Cette photo a été prise par Dodeeric mais elle est dans le domaine public car c'est une reproduction photographique fidèle d'une œuvre d'art originale en deux dimensions et cette œuvre d'art elle-même est dans le domaine public.

Freedom of panorama (FoP)


See: Freedom of panorama

  • Belgium, Germany, UK: Yes
  • France, Luxemburg: No
  • Nederlands: Yes & No

Espaces de nom / Name spaces


Namespaces (Wikimedia Commons)

Wikipédia :

  • (principal) → Pages des articles encyclopédiques
  • User: → Pages des utilisateurs

Commons :

  • (principal) → Pages de galleries d'images (il faut préférer les "catégories" aux "galleries")
  • File: → Pages de description des images importées (et qui contiennent les liens vers les fichiers d'image) ; il s'agit du contenu principal de Wikimedia Commons.
  • User: → Pages des utilisateurs (peut contenir des sous-pages de galleries d'images "utilisateur" ({{User gallery}}) et de modèles "utilisateur")
  • Category: → Pages de catégories d'image (avec affichage automatique des images) (peut contenir des catégories "utilisateur" si marqué adéquoitement avec {{User category}})
  • Creator: → Liste d'artistes, etc. pouvant être utilisés dans les pages de description des images
  • Template: → Contient les modèles/templates
  • Meta: →
  • Module: →
  • Commons: →

"Template:Creator" est un template qui permet de créer des templates "creators/artistes" dans l'espace "Creator:". C'est templates peuvent être utilisés dans les pages de description des images

Structured data / Wikidata


QXXXX = Item (object: instance of a "painting" class)
PXXXX = Property (attribute)
Statements: PXXXX = QXXXX or PXXXX = "literal"

Migrate Artwork template in Commons from local Wikicode to Wikidata item


Step 1: Create the Wikidata item

  • If the Artwork template is used, but no Wikidata item exists for the artwork, you will see a little icon/button beside the title: "Create new Wikidata item with QwickStatements (QS)". (There should be only one language in the title field or else the title will not be displayed nor the QS button; in Wikidata, the title = label ≠ caption; no need to have the title field in Wikidata, because it is already using the label as title.)
  • Click on the icon, and run the query (
  • The Wikidata item will be created with the info you put in the Artwork template (title, date, author/creator, etc.)

Step 2: Adapt the Artwork template by adding the field: wikidata = QXXXX (id generated in step 1). You can still add other fields (description, source), but it's not mandatory; remove the title statement in Wikidata (the label is used as title; see Google Bard Gemini here (Wikidata: Label vs. Title)).

|wikidata = Q124394682 ===> Item créé auparavant pour la peinture en question
|description = ===> Can still be added locally in Commons (with ref if needed)
{{en|1=The patriotic...}}
{{nl|1=De patriottische...}}
|source = Picture taken... ==> Wayback Machine URL can be given after
|other versions=

If one field present in Wikidata is not displayed in Commons, you can do this:

Ex.: for the "location/collection" field, wait some hours (not needed: add this in the Artwork template: |location = {{#statements:P276}} `The location field was not displayed! It's ok in other pages!`)

Step 3 (not mandatory): Adapt the Wikidata item with missing info, like "BALaT object ID" (P3293), "location" (P276) (called "Collection" in Commons).

Remark: the Creator template is also migrated to Wikidata items (see Template:Creator - Changing template content on Wikidata). Same for the Institution template (see Template:Institution - Syntax #1: for institutions with pages on Wikidata).