Category:Unknown date
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Pages in category "Unknown date"
The following 34 pages are in this category, out of 34 total.
Media in category "Unknown date"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 711,677 total.
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"""PLAN AF RIGSHOSPITALETS TRÆBYGNING""" - an10071201090104.jpg 4,905 × 6,246; 18.13 MB
"-Maybe- Mrs. Holland Smith", n.d. (48091864836).jpg 879 × 1,229; 221 KB
"2 Broadway, South Boston" (13083517454).jpg 4,937 × 3,649; 1.78 MB
"A Cree Indian" (NBY 9282).jpg 526 × 825; 70 KB
"A Cute Little Apache" (NBY 10125).jpg 517 × 819; 75 KB
"A Hopi Thanksgiving, Pueblo of Oraibi" (NBY 9127).jpg 820 × 522; 86 KB
"A young Cree Indian" (NBY 3254).jpg 525 × 827; 92 KB
"A.W.Hay Proprietor Oamaru" truck (AM 80135-1).jpg 1,275 × 946; 543 KB
"A.W.Hay Proprietor Oamaru" truck (AM 80135-2).jpg 1,275 × 981; 712 KB
"A.W.Hay Proprietor Oamaru" truck (AM 80136-1).jpg 1,275 × 947; 641 KB
"A.W.Hay Proprietor Oamaru" truck (AM 80136-2).jpg 1,275 × 976; 774 KB
"Achille Lauro" - Palermo, 1965 (3).JPG 2,344 × 1,129; 644 KB
"Aljub del camí vell de Benicarló a Càlig". Aljibe del camino viejo de Benicarló a Cálig.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 5.81 MB
"Alma G II" cresting a wave (AM 80452-1).jpg 1,275 × 942; 599 KB
"Alma G II" cresting a wave (AM 80452-2).jpg 1,275 × 955; 666 KB
"An Apache Cupid" (NBY 4192).jpg 514 × 825; 82 KB
"An Old Navaho Indian Medicine Man" (NBY 22684).jpg 520 × 825; 68 KB
"An Old Navaho Indian Medicine Man" (NBY 22685).jpg 827 × 521; 46 KB
"Ancient Iran" by Javad Alizadeh.jpg 429 × 600; 106 KB
"Ansiktet" Flekkerøy - no-nb digifoto 20160525 00073 blds 06977.jpg 8,017 × 4,716; 2.23 MB
"Attached to the Village" by Javad Alizadeh.jpg 430 × 527; 111 KB
"Back Bone," back of Crater Rock on Mount Hood (3678890245).jpg 2,319 × 2,163; 271 KB
"Badstuen" ved Krisuvik - no-nb digifoto 20160330 00241 bldsa NGU0154.jpg 7,727 × 5,382; 3.74 MB
"Beggars Bridge" Glaisdale. - - 149.jpg 640 × 480; 82 KB
"Birlots", birlos o "motxos" para lanzar en el popular juego de birlas valencianas.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 4.17 MB
"Bjørnungen" - Telemark politikammer vol.2 - 31.jpg 1,852 × 1,295; 917 KB
"Brotherhood Between Nations" complex, Bucharest, Romania.webp 930 × 465; 26 KB
"Bry deg" (Black text) Non-Transparent.jpg 1,100 × 458; 124 KB
"Bry deg" (White text) Non-Transparent.png 540 × 229; 19 KB
"Bry deg" logo (White).svg 539 × 228; 19 KB
"Charge of the Caballeros" (Battle of San Pascual).png 2,288 × 1,302; 3.16 MB
"Children-Symphony" (SM 16454z).png 7,234 × 5,953; 62.72 MB
"Dinkins Memorial Chapel, Alabama Colored University, Selma, Ala." (NBY 6999).jpg 1,618 × 1,026; 337 KB
"Don David" W. Alexander, a portrait.jpg 913 × 1,217; 288 KB
"Don't listen to rumors about AIDS, get the facts!" Patti LaBelle.A025218.jpg 1,863 × 2,831; 599 KB
"EIDSVOLL KIRKE (""EIDSVOLDS HOVEDKIRKE"")" - an10071111184039.jpg 6,408 × 4,292; 17.14 MB
"EIDSVOLL KIRKE (""EIDSVOLDS HOVEDKIRKE"")" - an10071111184045.jpg 2,592 × 5,442; 8.69 MB
"Eisbär" - Telemark politikammer vol.2 - 23.jpg 2,937 × 1,738; 2.41 MB
"Entrance to Indian Building," Fred Harvey (NBY 22696).jpg 828 × 524; 70 KB
"Entrance to Indian Building," Fred Harvey (NBY 22697).jpg 826 × 525; 46 KB
"Estación ferroviaria de Soneja".jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 4.76 MB
"Express Pegasus" - Piraeus.jpg 1,200 × 796; 200 KB
"Florero con plátanos, limones y libros", Juan Echevarría.PNG 748 × 860; 1.15 MB
"Fra Sogn" Forside mappe - an10071204253015.jpg 6,156 × 7,716; 30.84 MB
"Frøia" - Telemark politikammer vol.2 - 43.jpg 2,647 × 1,894; 2.01 MB
"Going to Cache, Mission Indian" (NBY 23023).jpg 524 × 829; 95 KB
"Going to Cache, Mission Indian" (NBY 23024).jpg 827 × 524; 54 KB
"Halb zog sie ihn, halb sank er hin" - Der Fischer und die Nixe (SM 7092z).png 4,689 × 4,856; 30.79 MB
"Indian Building and Santa Fe Station, The Alvarado" (NBY 7790).jpg 831 × 529; 82 KB
"Indian Building" (NBY 7945).jpg 823 × 529; 87 KB
"Indian Building" (NBY 8399).jpg 822 × 533; 102 KB
"Indian Building" (NBY 8556).jpg 825 × 521; 90 KB
"Indian building, The Alvarado" (NBY 3792).jpg 821 × 522; 75 KB
"Indian Men in Ceremonial Dancing Costume" (NBY 6736).jpg 524 × 826; 91 KB
"Indian Mound, National Military Cemetery" (NBY 4860).jpg 824 × 521; 104 KB
"Indian Pony Race" (NBY 2322).jpg 824 × 523; 72 KB
"Indian Statue, City Park Denver, Colo" (NBY 1393).jpg 523 × 827; 90 KB
"Indian Women of Acoma Pueblo" (NBY 9961) (cropped).jpg 482 × 743; 75 KB
"Indian Women of Acoma Pueblo" (NBY 9961).jpg 521 × 818; 87 KB
"Interior of Indian Building" (NBY 2080).jpg 826 × 524; 89 KB
"Iron Man" on the biggish screen (3926047369).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 941 KB
"Kodeh, a Hopi belle, Arizona." Fred Harvey series. (NBY 22756).jpg 520 × 824; 66 KB
"Kodeh, a Hopi belle, Arizona." Fred Harvey series. (NBY 22757).jpg 822 × 519; 97 KB
"Kon-Tiki" restauranten - no-nb digifoto 20150107 00172 NB MIT FNR 20523 (cropped).jpg 6,676 × 4,775; 2.88 MB
"Kon-Tiki" restauranten - no-nb digifoto 20150107 00172 NB MIT FNR 20523.jpg 6,602 × 4,685; 2.81 MB
"Kon-Tiki" restauranten - no-nb digifoto 20150107 00173 NB MIT FNR 20522.jpg 6,561 × 4,865; 3.02 MB
"Kristianiafjord" Den norske Amerikalinje - no-nb digifoto 20160106 00061 bldsa PK06015.jpg 7,419 × 4,905; 2.28 MB
"L'Albran" - Thonon-les-Bains.jpg 800 × 489; 123 KB
"L'Angélique" - Branne.jpg 1,871 × 1,045; 252 KB
"La casa del Baró", torre del Palacio de Torres Torres.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 5.27 MB
"Lake"-skipet Kollbryn. Levert 1951.jpg 3,403 × 2,326; 1.88 MB
"Liebes Kindlein, ach, ich bitt, bet fürs bucklicht Männlein mit!" (SM 20z).png 6,178 × 5,894; 42.44 MB
"Looking Toward Old Blanket Room, Indian Building" (NBY 9820).jpg 826 × 528; 107 KB
"MACKAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS" school bus - 3335.jpg 1,356 × 908; 221 KB
"Malvand" autrefois Chambésy.jpg 384 × 327; 19 KB
"Managua" cruise ship by an island (AM 88214-1).jpg 1,275 × 913; 700 KB
"Managua" cruise ship by an island (AM 88214-2).jpg 1,275 × 954; 929 KB
"Mantel Piece, Indian Building," Fred Harvey (NBY 23086).jpg 822 × 524; 74 KB
"Mantel Piece, Indian Building," Fred Harvey (NBY 23087).jpg 821 × 524; 50 KB
"Mornell", nasa, artilugio para pescar anguilas y peces (Delta del Ebro).jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 6.09 MB
"Navaho Indian Silversmith," Fred Harvey (NBY 21247).jpg 519 × 824; 77 KB
"Navaho Indian Silversmith," Fred Harvey (NBY 21248).jpg 829 × 529; 49 KB
"Navaho Indian Silversmith," Fred Harvey (NBY 21379).jpg 517 × 823; 85 KB
"Navaho Indian Silversmith," Fred Harvey (NBY 21380).jpg 828 × 526; 59 KB
"Neptune" - Dover.jpg 1,627 × 1,171; 173 KB
"Never Series" of postcards no. 180, Raphael Tuck & Sons' (NBY 1665).jpg 535 × 832; 118 KB
"Never Series" of postcards no. 180, Raphael Tuck & Sons' (NBY 3376).jpg 546 × 825; 114 KB
"Never Series" of postcards no. 180, Raphael Tuck & Sons' (NBY 9275).jpg 543 × 836; 130 KB
"O' Rourkey Plymouth Hillman Cars" stall (AM 87112-1).jpg 1,275 × 954; 851 KB
"O' Rourkey Plymouth Hillman Cars" stall (AM 87112-2).jpg 1,275 × 972; 1,015 KB
"Old Indian Church, San Jose," Fred Harvey (NBY 19977).jpg 830 × 528; 56 KB
"Old Indian Church, San Jose," Fred Harvey (NBY 19978).jpg 826 × 531; 49 KB
"On the Indian-Detour east of Tesuque, New Mexico" (NBY 19515).jpg 824 × 530; 106 KB
"On the Indian-Detour east of Tesuque, New Mexico" (NBY 19516).jpg 822 × 532; 47 KB
"Out on Bale" (NBY 1116).jpg 521 × 822; 80 KB
"Pageant of the Indian Crafts, Act 2, Mission Play" (NBY 22996).jpg 828 × 513; 82 KB
"Pageant of the Indian Crafts, Act 2, Mission Play" (NBY 22997).jpg 829 × 515; 37 KB
"Panorama de la Seine" postcard (NBY 6017).jpg 600 × 379; 42 KB
"Pit Pikus und die Möwe Leila", von Friedrich Wolf.jpg 1,889 × 1,889; 502 KB
"Port of Realejo -- 1859" - NH 116.jpeg 4,748 × 3,136; 2.8 MB
"Port of Realejo -- 1859" - NH 116.tiff 6,060 × 4,964; 28.71 MB
"Prédication de Saint Jean-Baptiste" de Nicolas-Antoine Taunay.jpg 2,568 × 1,810; 2.73 MB
"Residence and Farm of W.H. Chase, Union Springs, Cayuga Co. N.Y." NYPL1583083.tiff 6,630 × 5,414; 102.7 MB
"Rochdale One" - Amsterdam.jpg 800 × 531; 130 KB
"Rootbeer" Lucite Bangle Bracelet - DPLA - 72b817c152132c7bf0d40c71240c4f1e.jpg 5,271 × 2,831; 884 KB
"Ruth Sterry". Los Angeles Evening Express, September 20, 1929.jpg 278 × 643; 48 KB
"Self Portrait" by Geraldine Moodie.jpg 170 × 256; 9 KB
"Simms hung at Bartow, FL, June 3rd, 1910" (NBY 9350).jpg 802 × 511; 97 KB
"Slave quarters, the Hermitage" (NBY 6317).jpg 828 × 518; 121 KB
"Smiling" Frank Williams.jpg 500 × 500; 26 KB
"Southern Cross" - River Fal.jpg 2,907 × 1,986; 4.3 MB
"Southwestern Indian Baskets" (NBY 21694).jpg 821 × 524; 62 KB
"Southwestern Indian Baskets" (NBY 21695).jpg 821 × 523; 52 KB
"Stay With It" REENLIST! (6344484144).jpg 1,264 × 1,532; 166 KB
"Stock Farm and Residence of L.N. Close, Township of Leoyard, Cayuga Co. N.Y. " NYPL1583076.tiff 5,414 × 6,606; 102.33 MB